The Art of Exiting Gracefully and How To Embrace Your Professional Journey

In the intricate dance of professional growth, there's a pivotal moment when the music changes, the spotlight shifts, and we find ourselves standing at a crossroads. This journey is not just about mastering roles or crafting content–it's about embracing the evolution of our careers with open arms–even when it means bidding farewell to the familiar stage of our past.

In today’s current landscape of employment, which can only be described as a state of perpetual flux and what the fuck…our destinations seem more elusive and convoluted than ever. 

For freelance baddies like us, the day’s hustle might feel like a never ending stream of “maybe I should…” consciousness: mornings consisting of full-time job corporate interview that you would sacrifice a straight spine for because “the money’s good”; afternoons spent giving most situationships a run for their money with the glorified amount of stalking you need to do for potential client work email addresses; nights, ruminating on what led you to feel this desperate while scrolling through everyone’s “put together” life on social.

It’s in these bleak moments I shamefully mourn women’s autonomy and reach for an apron and a recipe for jello mold. 

I spent the majority of my 20s chasing a dream (how Americana of me). I wanted to be an actor. I was sometimes, but most of the time, being an actor was more of a brand identity than anything else. 

In the midst of this character confusion, and several stints of rehabilitation back home with my family to renew my broken spirit, I had secured writing jobs with several magazine publishers in my area. This conveniently manifested into my freelance writing career. Wherever I went next, I took my affinity for words and stories with me–albeit in the one place I couldn’t, my acting career.

While living in LA, people would ask (or sometimes infer) what my brand was. Some days a young Jodie Foster. Other times, an edgier Jessica Simpson (minus the tuna).  I found the whole thing odd and off-putting. Don’t put me in a box! I’d probably say while picking out the perfect headshot tank. 

Little did I know that kind of introspection would help me understand the deeply unique and almost fated path I would take as a creative professional.

Navigating the twists and turns of our professional journey demands a delicate balance of adaptability and self-awareness. As we all confront our extremely unique career journey’s, even embrace them, it is crucial to recognize that the destination may not always align with our expectations. 

Reflecting on my personal journey, transitioning from struggling actor to freelance creative has been an organic journey that I’m just now treating with gratitude. As soon as the nostalgia faded, I was able to understand that what I’ve been able to do professionally out of a career has not been a result of any shortcomings or failures—rather, through my resourcefulness (and sometimes desperation) as one dream faded, new opportunities naturally emerged, leading me down unexpected paths. 

Despite the shifts, the core of my passions has remained unwavering. Embracing the intersection of my diverse skill sets and aspirations has empowered me to forge a path uniquely aligned with my creative vision.

Whether you find yourself exploring new career avenues, honing your skills in unexpected domains, or bidding farewell to past aspirations, embracing the evolution of your professional identity is paramount.

Here are a few takeaways I’ve learned on how to embrace this shift (and not give a shit about what other people are doing):

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your professional aspirations and set achievable yet challenging goals. These goals will serve as guiding lights, helping you stay focused and motivated throughout your journey.

  2. Embrace Challenges: View challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Embracing challenges allows you to develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and the ability to adapt to different situations, ultimately fostering personal and professional development.

  3. Cultivate Relationships: Invest in building strong professional relationships with colleagues, mentors, and industry peers. Networking not only provides opportunities for collaboration and support but also opens doors to new opportunities, insights, and perspectives.

  4. Continuous Learning: Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth. Stay curious about new developments in your field, seek out opportunities for skill enhancement, and be open to acquiring knowledge from various sources, including colleagues, mentors, and online resources.

  5. Celebrate Milestones: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Recognizing your progress and successes along the way boosts morale, reinforces positive behaviors, and fuels your motivation to continue progressing on your professional journey.

Wherever you are on your journey, whether that’s freedom from corporate confines, building up your portfolio, or starting fresh, I hope you find fulfillment and satisfaction in every step you take towards your professional goals. - JM


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